2023.09.24 Pagan Pride Day
Once again Chosen Path Church was a proud Sponsor for Pagan Pride Day. We have sponsored PPD annually since our inception in 2014. In addition to our booth, our High Priest presented a workshop on dousing, one of our Board Members performed his original folk music on stage, we were blessed to be invited to present the opening ritual, and many of our members volunteered for the event itself in addition to spending time at our booth. We also took roles in the closing ritual presented by Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O), whose leadership also belong to Chosen Path Church. Our booth offered a wide variety of hand crafted items along with herbal bundles. We shared information through our brochure and chatted with so many lovely people!
2022.09.25 Pagan Pride Day
2021 Pagan Pride Day
Samhain Ritual at the Universal Unitarian of the City of Jacksonville on October 27, 2019.
Rev. Laurie Denman, HP and Rev. Bowen Barrs lead the UUCJ congregation through a Samhain ritual as guest ritualists.
2019 Pagan Pride Day
2018 Pagan Pride Day
2018 Open House at the new Chosen Path Church Temple
From May 2018 through 2021, Chosen Path Church was housed in a leased commercial space since our congregation had outgrown accommodations at the High Priestess's home.
Announcing the 3rd Annual Earth Day Pagan Picnic and Ritual
Hosted by Chosen Path Church
Join North East Florida and South East Georgia Pagans of ALL Paths
At the 3rd Annual Earth Day Pagan Picnic and Ritual
11 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2018
At the Losco Regional Park
10931 Hood Road South, Jacksonville, FL 32257
Ritual will be at Noon.
Come enjoy a day out in Nature celebrating Mother Earth with fellow Pagans.
The picnic will be set up in the field to the left of the entrance. A shared grill be provided. Bring chairs, drums and anything else that will add to the fun!
A wonderful playground, bathrooms and ample parking are on site.
Please bring your family’s picnic meal and, if inclined, a dish to share.
For more information utilize the contact form on this website.
Hosted by Chosen Path Church
Join North East Florida and South East Georgia Pagans of ALL Paths
At the 3rd Annual Earth Day Pagan Picnic and Ritual
11 AM – 2 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2018
At the Losco Regional Park
10931 Hood Road South, Jacksonville, FL 32257
Ritual will be at Noon.
Come enjoy a day out in Nature celebrating Mother Earth with fellow Pagans.
The picnic will be set up in the field to the left of the entrance. A shared grill be provided. Bring chairs, drums and anything else that will add to the fun!
A wonderful playground, bathrooms and ample parking are on site.
Please bring your family’s picnic meal and, if inclined, a dish to share.
For more information utilize the contact form on this website.
North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition
2018 Public Full Moon Beach Rituals
The North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition will be hosting Summer Full Moon Community Rituals and Potlucks again this year. ALL paths are always welcome. The rituals will be lead by various groups representing the wide variety of paths active in the area. Ritual locations are determined by the groups co-leading them. Please see NEFLPLC's Facebook page events for locations, which will be posted as soon as they are finalized.
2018 Public Full Moon Beach Rituals
The North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition will be hosting Summer Full Moon Community Rituals and Potlucks again this year. ALL paths are always welcome. The rituals will be lead by various groups representing the wide variety of paths active in the area. Ritual locations are determined by the groups co-leading them. Please see NEFLPLC's Facebook page events for locations, which will be posted as soon as they are finalized.
Rituals are all on Saturday nights and will start at 7:00 PM but the potluck will start setting up around 6PM. Ending times will be determined by the participants of the night. Please bring a dish to share with others. As this is a public event and many people are allergic to nuts, please label your dish if it contains nuts. A grill will be provided but it will be shared by all participants. Drinks should be brought by each family. No alcohol please. These are family friendly events.
Ritual Dates:
05/26/18(1) 06/30/18(2) 07/28/18(3) 08/25/18(4) 09/22/18(5)
05/26/18(1) 06/30/18(2) 07/28/18(3) 08/25/18(4) 09/22/18(5)
(1) BBUUC CUUPS and Whisperers of the Waters
(2) Compassion League and Grove of the Gypsy Moon
(3) Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O), Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth and our Solitary Community Representative
(4) Lady Syn of the Elemental Faye Tradition and Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O)
(5) Chosen Path Church and Pillars of Prophecy
(2) Compassion League and Grove of the Gypsy Moon
(3) Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O), Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth and our Solitary Community Representative
(4) Lady Syn of the Elemental Faye Tradition and Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O)
(5) Chosen Path Church and Pillars of Prophecy
2017 Yule Campout hosted by Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth and supported by NEFLPLC (North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition)
Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church Samhain: 10/29/17
Today the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition presented the Samhain Ritual Service at the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. Members participating in the rite were Lord Moonraven Iuvantas of the Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O.), Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman of Chosen Path Church, Lady Symbliene Griffin of Whisperers of the Waters, Rev. Draig Spellsinger of the Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O.), Meg Knunya of the BBUUC CUUPS, Melanie Crump of the Jacksonville Pagan Pride Association and Rev. Dustin Goodall of the Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth.
The Coalition presented Samhain from the perspective of the participating member's Traditions and also incorporated all aspects of the normal Order of Service of the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. After the ritual Ancestors were honored with a feast and fellowship.
The Coalition presented Samhain from the perspective of the participating member's Traditions and also incorporated all aspects of the normal Order of Service of the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. After the ritual Ancestors were honored with a feast and fellowship.
2017 Pagan Pride Day
Guest Sermonist at UUCJ, Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman
Arch Priestess Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman presents the Sunday morning service sermon at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville on July 23, 2017. The topic she was asked to speak about was the faith she followed and how she followed it.
Signing of the By-Laws of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition: May 7, 2017
It has been my honor to work side by side with all of these wonderful North East Florida Pagan Leaders as a coalition. Each of them represents a different group or segment of our population and brings that perspective to the table. Our goals are simply to provide or broaden education, communication, acceptance, consistency, leadership and support to the area's Pagan and broader mundane communities. This photo is just after we signed our official By-Laws as an organization. The pens we are holding were individually made for us by the Officers of NEFLPLC, which is a testament to the care and dedication by them to each of us in the coalition.
From left to right and the organization they represent:
Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman - Chosen Path Church
Rev. Symbliene Griffin - Whisperers of the Waters
Rev. Moonraven Iuvantas - Secretary of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Ramona Ferrell - Solitary Community
Rev. Dustin Goodall - President of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Rev. EJ Oaklore - Heart of Manannan
Meg Knunya - Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist CUUPS
Rev. Paolo Santo - Pillars of Prophecy
M. Rev. Donald Lewis - Vice President of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Rev. Autumn Rayne - DragonStone Circle
Rev. Draig Spellsinger - Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O.)
Melanie Crump - Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth and Jacksonville Pagan Pride Association
*Officers represent NEFLPLC and not their individual groups or paths.
It has been my honor to work side by side with all of these wonderful North East Florida Pagan Leaders as a coalition. Each of them represents a different group or segment of our population and brings that perspective to the table. Our goals are simply to provide or broaden education, communication, acceptance, consistency, leadership and support to the area's Pagan and broader mundane communities. This photo is just after we signed our official By-Laws as an organization. The pens we are holding were individually made for us by the Officers of NEFLPLC, which is a testament to the care and dedication by them to each of us in the coalition.
From left to right and the organization they represent:
Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman - Chosen Path Church
Rev. Symbliene Griffin - Whisperers of the Waters
Rev. Moonraven Iuvantas - Secretary of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Ramona Ferrell - Solitary Community
Rev. Dustin Goodall - President of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Rev. EJ Oaklore - Heart of Manannan
Meg Knunya - Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist CUUPS
Rev. Paolo Santo - Pillars of Prophecy
M. Rev. Donald Lewis - Vice President of the North East Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition*
Rev. Autumn Rayne - DragonStone Circle
Rev. Draig Spellsinger - Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O.)
Melanie Crump - Sanctuary: Realms of Spiritual Growth and Jacksonville Pagan Pride Association
*Officers represent NEFLPLC and not their individual groups or paths.
Ret. Rev. Laurie Denman is the guest sermon speaker at Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church at the Sunday service on 04/30/2017. Her topic was Unconscious Bias, Diversity and Inclusion and how those impact our relationship with the Divine.
Thank you Thing 1 and Thing 2 (Rev. Susan Caldwell and Dedicant Pam Beck) for your help pulling this sermon off. Thank you Member Nicole Hargis for video recording it!
Soul Retrieval - Shadow Work Guided Meditations: A workshop presented on 03/01/17 by Rev. Laurie Denman at the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. This was an extension of the 1st of a two part series on Soul Retrieval. The final part will be at 7PM on April 18th at the same location. The guided meditations are accessed by clicking the files below.

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Soul Retrieval - The Nine Monads and Shadow Work: A workshop presented on 02/21/2017 by Rev. Laurie Denman at the Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. This was the first of a two part series on Soul Retrievals. The second part will be at 7PM on Wednesday March 1st at the same location. It will be on Chakha Balancing and the actual Soul Retrieval.

soul_retrieval_from_the_correllian_perspective_-_the_nine_monads_and_shadow_work.pptx | |
File Size: | 35892 kb |
File Type: | pptx |

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File Size: | 248 kb |
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2016 Pagan Pride Day
Chosen Path Church is once again a Bronze Sponsor for the Jacksonville Pagan Pride Alliance Pagan Pride Day, Sunday September 18, 2016, at the Garden Club of Jacksonville located at 1005 Riverside Avenue from 11 AM to 5 PM. Stop by our booth to say hello! Please join Lady Laurie as she presents a Living Medicine Wheel workshop at 1 PM. Click the document below to the workshop materials.
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Please join Chosen Path Church as it hosts the final Summer Beach Ritual of the season on Saturday, September 17th, to celebrate Mabon and Pagan Pride weekend. We will be on the beach at Oceanfront Park, 1st Street South between 5th and 6th Avenues South. Gathering for Pot Luck at 6 PM. Ritual begins at 7 PM regardless of moon rise time. Bring your musical instruments, hoops and anything else that may be enjoyed at the beach. Heads up: This park is very popular with the Pokemon Go crowd so come early to get a good parking spot!
Chosen Path Church does not allow discrimination against any persons for any reason. We are working along with other Faith Leaders in the Jacksonville community to encourage the City Council to expand the current Human Rights Ordinance to include our LGTB citizens which would prohibit discrimination regarding employment, housing and public accommodations. I have attended Faith Leader dinners and panel discussions, all of Mayor Curry's Community Conversations and several of the City Council meetings regarding this topic. Here are some of our efforts documented.
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2015 Pagan Pride Day
On September 13, 2015 Chosen Path Church was a Silver Sponsor at Jacksonville Pagan Pride Day. Chosen Path Church had a booth as well as conducted a workshop on the International Peace Warriors.
An access point to the Crystal Web was created through the Crystal Web ritual.
An access point to the Crystal Web was created through the Crystal Web ritual.
2015.03.20 City Rescue Mission Clothing Drive
On March 20, 2015 Chosen Path Church contributed many collected clothing items to the City Rescue Mission of Jacksonville. Thank you everyone who contributed items for this service project.
September 21, 2014: PPD
On September 21, 2014 Chosen Path Church participated in our first Jacksonville Pagan Pride Day as a group. We had a booth which offered hand crafted items made by Church members as well as a sample altar and examples of Chosen Path regalia. We lead a Chakra Balancing workshop and the closing ritual. It was a wonderful day of community and love!
August 9, 2014: Beach Ritual
The Chosen Path Church will be hosting a Full Moon Beach ritual on Saturday, August 9th at 7PM which is open to those of all paths. This ritual celebrates the unity of the local Pagan community and emphasizes how we are all connected. We will be getting mid-calf deep in the water so please dress appropriately. The ritual will take place on the beach at the end of 11th Ave. N. in Jacksonville Beach, FL. There is a parking lot available at the end of 11th Ave. N. at 1st St. N. and several of the blocks near that street.
There will be a pot luck cook out after the ritual on the beach. Feel free to bring your drums, other instruments, poi or hoops to enjoy out in Mother Nature. There will be a small grill available. Please bring a covered dish to share. We do have people attending who are allergic to nuts and strawberries. If you have any questions, please fill out a contact form here on the website with your question.
There will be a pot luck cook out after the ritual on the beach. Feel free to bring your drums, other instruments, poi or hoops to enjoy out in Mother Nature. There will be a small grill available. Please bring a covered dish to share. We do have people attending who are allergic to nuts and strawberries. If you have any questions, please fill out a contact form here on the website with your question.